This project tends to provide user-friendly tools for use by the students and other interested individuals and institutions. Other on-line tools exist on internet but they are far too complicated to be used as for another part of these tools they are usually linked to the menu of the company that had sponsored the tool development (McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's, Subway, Taco Bell etc.), which are of no use to the HEI and the students.
It is to be mentioned that in the last decade more and more attention is given to the human nutrition. Especially after all major studies point that obesity can be avoided or diminished if a person would feed him/herself in proper way.
That would mean the person would know the amount of calories would be entering his/her system thus being able to plan activities to prevent gaining undesired weight. On the other hand, the newly graduated students, who are seeking their place on the labor market often possess no financial means to become part of professional organizations and to be able to use their nutritional value calculators thus become limited in their professional engagement. And, as in case in the countries of the project partners, there is no such tool which would be of a use, contributing to have "template menus" at restaurants without possibility for the manager or the guest to choose the kind of meal they wish to enjoy in. The other tool project will develop aim to get students familiarized with the tools used in management of accommodation facilities (hotels/motels), as such tools are not present in a form of an on-line tool. Usually such software is developed by the organization that manages the facilities and has closed-circuit character. But, generally all of them depend on few different data bases which give overall picture of the facility's status. At the moment this principle (management of accommodation facility) is taught through books and by illustrations, limited in development of students' skills.
By creating both of the tools, the project will provide HEI members to this project to possess tools which will contribute to their teaching modernization, process which is in-line with EU regulations for modernization of teaching/learning process by providing more attractive way of education, use of participatory approach and use of ITC-based methodology, increased capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level.