Pork with leeks

Serves: 6 persons
Time: 60-120 min.
Difficulty: easy

Nutritional value
KJ KCAL Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
1 portion/200g 1735 640 27 57 6

Chop the pork into medium chunks and fry in a previously heated pan. When the meat is ready remove it from the pan and in the same pan add the chopped leeks and the dried pepper. Take a bigger pan and put all ingredients in it. Add the warm water and bake 30 minutes at 200°С

_ 1kg boneless pork
_ 4 leeks
_ 1 dried pepper
_ 150ml water
_ 100ml oil
Before proceeding in preparation of the dishes, please consult with EFSA on advice and regulation.