Simit pogacha

Serves: 6 persons
Time: 120 min.
Difficulty: medium

Nutritional value
KJ KCAL Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
1 piece/160g 3092 740 14 34 102

Put flour, oil, salt, sugar and yeast (previously dissolve yeast in milk for 5-10 min.) and make dough. Leave the dough to rise and divide it into bigger rolls. Coat every roll with oil and leave it to rise for 15 min. Bake at 220°С until golden brown. When rolls are ready coat them with oil. Preparation of the pie: Make soft dough from flour, water and salt. Divide it in four balls, coat the balls with oil and let it rise for 10-15 min. Make layers from each dough, coat them with oil and leave it to rest for 20 min. With a rolling pin make thin layers. Put them one of top of the other and bake at 220 ℃, 25-30 min. When is ready coat it with oil. Cut it in 8 equal pieces and put part of the pie in the middle of the roll.

_ 500g flour
_ 150ml milk
_ 100ml oil
_ 1 tsp salt
_ 2 tsp sugar
_ 1 yeast
_ The pie:
_ 500g flour
_ 250ml water
_ 150ml oil
_ 1 tsp salt
Before proceeding in preparation of the dishes, please consult with EFSA on advice and regulation.