
Serves: 5 persons
Time: 60-90 min.
Difficulty: easy

Nutritional value
KJ KCAL Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
1 piece/280g 2750 650 32 53 21

Wash and clean the vegetables, chop them into chunks, put everything into an earthenware pot, spice and mix well. Then add the meat which has been previously fried and chopped into chunks. Add oil and bake at 200°С, 1 hour.

_ 500g boneless pork
_ 500g boneless beef
_ 100g green beans
_ 300g cabbage
_ 10 sticks okra
_ 1 onion
_ 4-5 cloves garlic
_ 1/2 eggplant
_ 50ml water
_ 1/2 zucchini
_ 1 green pepper
_ 2 tomatoes
_ 5 potatoes
_ 4 carrots
_ 100ml oil
_ Mixed spices and herbs, salt, black pepper
Before proceeding in preparation of the dishes, please consult with EFSA on advice and regulation.