Pancakes in Strandzha manner

Serves: 10 servings
Time: 30 min.
Difficulty: medium

Nutritional value
KJ KCAL Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
1 portion/100g 1130 271,6 6,8 13 33,9

Mix 200-250 ml cool water with the milk in a large bowl and salt. Gradually, add the flour and the scrambled egg. Stir until a pancake mixture is obtained. Smear the pre-heated pan with the piece of salo. Ladle a scoop from the mixture and form a "kathma" in the pan. Once the "kathma is baked, spread it immediately with the salo. Serve with jam or honey and we are ready to eat.

_ Milk – 200-250g
_ Flour – 200g
_ Eggs – 1
_ Salo – 50g (for spreading)
_ Salt – 2 pinches
Before proceeding in preparation of the dishes, please consult with EFSA on advice and regulation.