
Serves: 10 persons
Time: 30-60 min.
Difficulty: easy

Nutritional value
KJ KCAL Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
1 piece/50g 1600 382 5,6 51 41

Put the flour, salt and the yeast (previously dissolved in lukewarm water for 5-10 min.) and make soft dough. Leave the dough to rise. When the dough is ready put some oil on your hands and tear a small round piece of dough, stretch it and fry in hot oil. When ready put them on a plate with paper towel to absorb the excess grease.

_ 400ml water
_ 400-500g flour
_ 20g yeast
_ 1 tsp salt
_ 2 tbsp sugar
_ 1l oil
Before proceeding in preparation of the dishes, please consult with EFSA on advice and regulation.